Team. You have a team of exceptional people. Work with them. Thank them
Gym or field manager
10-80-10 Rule.
10% - Agree with you no matter what. They are thrilled their kids are participating and you are spending time with them.
80% - Will give you the benefit of the doubt and presume the good in you and your motives. “Cup half-full” people.
10% - Disagree with you regardless of your actions. “Cup half-empty” people.
AD job is best job in school. 90% + of your involvement with parents, coaches, athletes is great.
i.Keep big picture in mind ii.Focus on Mission and task iii.See steps of accomplishment iv.What was great today? Find the positive. Catch people doing the right thing! v.Files – one for positive comments (for those days you are feeling underappreciated) and one for negative comments (for those days where you are feeling too cocky)
Work together with other ADs.
Help each other.
No one in your school really knows what you do.
Mutual help and support is important.
Ask each other, “do you really want to go down that road?”
Reward – Personal Satisfaction.
What do you need as far as approval and accolades?
Can’t take care of others till you take care of yourself.
Keeping Self out of Trouble
Social Media – School policy
Obligation for reporting things
Investigating incidents
Know when not to look at the big picture – it can be quite intimidating!
Never draw a line so thick & wide you can’t step back across it.
Structure for success rather than Designing for Failure – Build to help you succeed
Involvement… importance of participating at:
national levels
Personal Athletic Mission Statement
What is your philosophy of sports?
How do you instill this in and motivate others?
Coaches Education.
Takes 3-5 years to educate a coach so he/she understands the school, its mission, its philosophy.
How are you going to make this happen?
i.Keep parental pressure off while you give coach time to grow ii.Educational opportunities
Need some X’s and O’s
Need education on Communicating, Motivating, Disciplining Athletes