B. Getting Down to Work
1. Organization – Legal Requirements
a. Read and study Rules & Regulations
i. School/school district handbook
ii. WIAA Handbook,
iii. League Handbook,
iv. WIAA District Handbook,
v. Coaches Handbook.
vi. Sport Rule Books – NFHS
1. NFHS Rule Books – “Points of Emphasis”
viii. NIAAA
ix. 14 Legal Duties
x. Who should read and study each of these documents? When?
b. Relevant Laws
i. Title IX
ii. Social Media – school policy
iii. Harassment
iv. Bullying
v. Concussion
2. State Tournaments
a. Allocations + Brackets.
i. How are allocations determined?
ii. What are the criteria for establishing brackets?
iii. Travel to State Events
1. Who travels? Band? Cheer? Non-Roster Players
2. Overnight stays
3. Supervision
4. Transportation
3. Personal Care
a. Take care of Self.
b. Schedule time to read and exercise.
c. Time Management
d. Balance – Home/School
e. Organization
f. Delegation
g. Use a Planner/Calendar of some sort to track events.
4. Meeting preparedness
a. Coach meeting
b. Parent meeting – tri-fold, power point
c. Sport meeting – League responsibility
d. Plan ahead, anticipate issues/problems; don’t be surprised.
5. Toolbox
a. How to L-I-S-T-E-N
i. Look them in the eye
ii. Inquiry Method – ask questions
iii. Shut your lips!
iv. Tell them what they said.
v. Empathize
vi. Navigate toward new solutions/goals
b. How to say ‘no’
c. Ok to stop a meeting if ground rules violated
d. 24 hour rule
e. “What is ideal solution for you if you were in charge of the world”
6. Mission
a. What is the Big Picture – “See the forest thru the trees”
b. Arrow – “Power of Distractors”
i. Do you understand the Role of Interscholastic Athletics?
7. Relationships with Coaches, Athletes, Parents. Be:
a. Visible,
b. Approachable
c. Accessible
8. Cyclical nature of job.
a. First year – don’t know what is around the corner.
b. Second year, everything happens in the same order.
c. By third year, ready to start some new projects/ideas.
d. If it hasn’t started by the end of October, it ain’t going to happen this year!
e. Each sport season – chaos at start, calm in middle, tense at end.
9. Right Way – honesty and integrity
10. Education
a. WSSAAA - Conference
b. NIAAA – Conference
c. NIAAA – LTI Courses
d. Membership on Boards & Committees (e.g. eligibility panel)
11. Mistakes
a. You are going to make mistakes.
b. Learn from them, don’t bury them.
c. “Unforgivable” Mistakes.
i. No official at a scheduled contest.
ii. Buses passing each other on way to play a contest. Both schools thinking the game is at the other’s site.
iii. Playing an ineligible player.
d. Self reporting is a positive, not negative experience.
12. Crisis Management
a. Emergency Procedures
i. Problem Solving.
ii. How do you structure response?
iii. What have you done so far?
iv. On Campus incident
v. Off Campus incident
vi. ONE Voice
b. Prevention
i. Supervision
1. Locker Rooms
2. Practices
ii. Preparation
iii. Communication
1. Organization – Legal Requirements
a. Read and study Rules & Regulations
i. School/school district handbook
ii. WIAA Handbook,
iii. League Handbook,
iv. WIAA District Handbook,
v. Coaches Handbook.
vi. Sport Rule Books – NFHS
1. NFHS Rule Books – “Points of Emphasis”
viii. NIAAA
ix. 14 Legal Duties
x. Who should read and study each of these documents? When?
b. Relevant Laws
i. Title IX
ii. Social Media – school policy
iii. Harassment
iv. Bullying
v. Concussion
2. State Tournaments
a. Allocations + Brackets.
i. How are allocations determined?
ii. What are the criteria for establishing brackets?
iii. Travel to State Events
1. Who travels? Band? Cheer? Non-Roster Players
2. Overnight stays
3. Supervision
4. Transportation
3. Personal Care
a. Take care of Self.
b. Schedule time to read and exercise.
c. Time Management
d. Balance – Home/School
e. Organization
f. Delegation
g. Use a Planner/Calendar of some sort to track events.
4. Meeting preparedness
a. Coach meeting
b. Parent meeting – tri-fold, power point
c. Sport meeting – League responsibility
d. Plan ahead, anticipate issues/problems; don’t be surprised.
5. Toolbox
a. How to L-I-S-T-E-N
i. Look them in the eye
ii. Inquiry Method – ask questions
iii. Shut your lips!
iv. Tell them what they said.
v. Empathize
vi. Navigate toward new solutions/goals
b. How to say ‘no’
c. Ok to stop a meeting if ground rules violated
d. 24 hour rule
e. “What is ideal solution for you if you were in charge of the world”
6. Mission
a. What is the Big Picture – “See the forest thru the trees”
b. Arrow – “Power of Distractors”
i. Do you understand the Role of Interscholastic Athletics?
7. Relationships with Coaches, Athletes, Parents. Be:
a. Visible,
b. Approachable
c. Accessible
8. Cyclical nature of job.
a. First year – don’t know what is around the corner.
b. Second year, everything happens in the same order.
c. By third year, ready to start some new projects/ideas.
d. If it hasn’t started by the end of October, it ain’t going to happen this year!
e. Each sport season – chaos at start, calm in middle, tense at end.
9. Right Way – honesty and integrity
10. Education
a. WSSAAA - Conference
b. NIAAA – Conference
c. NIAAA – LTI Courses
d. Membership on Boards & Committees (e.g. eligibility panel)
11. Mistakes
a. You are going to make mistakes.
b. Learn from them, don’t bury them.
c. “Unforgivable” Mistakes.
i. No official at a scheduled contest.
ii. Buses passing each other on way to play a contest. Both schools thinking the game is at the other’s site.
iii. Playing an ineligible player.
d. Self reporting is a positive, not negative experience.
12. Crisis Management
a. Emergency Procedures
i. Problem Solving.
ii. How do you structure response?
iii. What have you done so far?
iv. On Campus incident
v. Off Campus incident
vi. ONE Voice
b. Prevention
i. Supervision
1. Locker Rooms
2. Practices
ii. Preparation
iii. Communication